Ki Shiatsu
Ki Shiatsu is a powerful form of hands-on therapy treatment. It manifests positive change for people with all health and well-being conditions in bringing one to balance and harmony physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Ki Shiatsu is an advanced and powerful form of hands-on treatment. It is effective in creating positive change for all conditions in guiding a person on their personal journey to a place of peace and harmony in awakening the body’s innate power to heal oneself.
Ki Shiatsu therapy works on meridians (energy channels) and pressure points (tsubos) in our body dissolving blockages (Yin/Yang out of balances) caused by strain (internal and external factors) effecting our nervous system caused from life. This powerful therapy brings one’s full expression of physical, mental and emotional health.
Treatments are 1 hour 15 minutes in duration. Cotton clothing is worn where treatments take place on a Japanese organic cotton futon (traditional mattress) sitting on traditional Japanese Tatamis in a beautiful treatment room.
Receiving Ki Shiatsu is so powerful awakening the deepest energy of the body in promoting healing and full expression of oneself on all levels.
Ki Shiatsu therapy is powerful in the treatment of:
All Physical conditions, Tension, Stress, Mental and Emotional issues in addressing primary physical symptoms including tiredness, aches and pains and more prominent health issues including disease. Ki Shiatsu, along with Macrobiotic eating, Ki (Energy) breathing and movement are key fundamentals to living a healthy and fulfilled life.
After your Ki Shiatsu treatment, you will feel calm, relaxed and restored (like a feather) with energy being moved around your body in working to create homeostasis and balance and unity in your parasympathetic system.

Jason has trained in Ki Shiatsu under Shin Sen Dojo founder and Ki Shiatsu Master practitioner Ken McLean over the past 5 years from 2018 to 2023
and is a qualified Ki Shiatsu Practitioner reaching Shodan (Black Belt) level.